1 definition by Horse_Boy_20

EJ is a tall, lanky guy with an absolute god complex. He is a basketball prodigy but sometimes loses his sports credit because he thinks formula one racing is entertaining. If you look into his eyes you will undoubtably get lost in them and have an undying need to learn more. If you are lucky enough to get close to him you will either find that his humor is creepily soothing or you will see the not as nice side. At night he turns into a boney, spiky haired gremlin who will sneak up on you while you sleep and suckle the blood through your toes while staring at you in a very horny way. If you see an EJ, stay away from him unless you have his favorite food, deep fried worms. If you can supply him with enough worms you can be sure that he will not suck out your blood.
"that's the EJ that tried to suck my toe blood!

"EJ is so good at basketball."

"I ran out of worms, I think EJ is gonna kill me!"
by Horse_Boy_20 November 30, 2021
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