2 definitions by Homeslice McAwesome

the art of potentially increasing or decreasing the value of your trailer by adding architectural structures to the existing manufactured home. This can range from; "I didn't know this was a trailer. It looks like a house!" to "I didn't know trailers come in brick."
Here in backwoods Louisiana you can see some really interesting "trailertecture".
by Homeslice McAwesome August 10, 2010
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an extreme level of drunkenness, usually used to refer to females no older than their mid-20's who are completely shitfaced drunk, a young Courtney Love.
OMG, I need a drink. I'm going out and getting KeSha drunk tonight!

Did you see those chicks playing beer pong with vodka? No, them bitches is trying to get Ke$ha drunk!
by Homeslice McAwesome October 7, 2010
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