2 definitions by Holy Houdini

Someone who is irrationally discriminatory against or intolerant of robots or cyborgs. Similar to racist and homophobe
Person 1: "That stupid girl lost her leg and uses a dumb prosthetic. What an asshole"

Person 2: "That's mean! Man, you a cyberphobe."
by Holy Houdini August 9, 2015
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When a couple kisses each other with closed-mouth pecks, repeatedly, moving their head forward quickly each time. Commonly done by middle schoolers or high schoolers, when they don't know how to make out
*two kids walking through a school hallway see a couple pecking each other's lips*

Kid 1: Ugh. It's so gross to see people do that

Kid 2: Yeah. I hate to see people chicken kissing.
by Holy Houdini September 14, 2015
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