2 definitions by HippyHollowSaiyan

The pink waifu from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable.
Reimi is known for being the first victim of hand-fetish serial killer Yoshikage Kira who helps the heroes track him down in the summer of 1999.
She haunts the alley of OWSON store as a ghost & stayed there for 15 years until her killer was caught.
Sadly she was only 16 when she died so we never got to see her grow up into a legal waifu.
She is one of the many Jojo characters who deserved much better & sadly will never be depicted again.

She is one of the most gorgeous girls ever animated, even putting the other waifus of Jojo Part 4 to shame.
She has a pink color scheme & pretty much owns the color pink itself.

She is often shipped with Rohan Kishibe despite never having amorous feelings towards him.
She may be dead & 16, but that didn't stop Reimi Sugimoto from stealing our hearts.

Forget Reimi Sugimoto & Lisa Lisa, Speedwagon is best waifu.

Momo, Thorn the Hex girl, Ty Lee, & Reimi Sugimoto are my top waifus of all time.

Yoshikage Kira only killed bad people?! Tell that to Reimi Sugimoto, Kosaku Kawajiri, Aya Tsuji, Shigechi, & the shoeshop owner.
by HippyHollowSaiyan December 12, 2020
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A copyright holder who is so fanatic against fair-use that they have gone beyond copyright nazi when striking users for so much as mentioning their intellectual property.

Named after the Necrons from Warhammer.

A Copyright Nazi will strike your Youtube for showing a clip of their show in one of your videos.
A Copyright Necron will strike your Twitter for posting a meme, GIF, or having a profile picture of their intellectual property.

Copyright Necrons are more cold blooded than (C) Nazis & really don't care who they take down in their purges.
Copyright Nazis are asshole narcissists, but at least are pragmatic enough to realize they need a fanbase to keep their income. They'll allow fans to cosplay or make fanart of their characters.
This form of IP fanaticism goes beyond Copyright Nazism because the original Nazism had some form of populism & mob mentality backing it. But Copyright Necrons are ghouls who really don't care who they piss off.

Warhammer Necrons roam the galaxy to purge all living things, believing if they extract enough biomass they will become flesh again.
Copyright Necrons roam the internet, purging all AMVs, fanart, cosplay, & memes that reference their copyrighted materials, believing it will make them the most money.

Examples of Copyright Nazis include Disney, Toei animation, Hasbro, VIACOM & Tommy Wiseau.

Examples of Copyright Necrons include Shueisha & Camden Lamont (1999 creepypasta)
RoseScape got striked by Shueisha for posting a Dragonball GIF! They're not mere copyright Nazis like Toei, they've become copyright necrons!

Sorry bro but even a massive boycott won't work. Shueisha doesn't value it's public image at all, they're copyright necrons who would burn down their corporation to purge the internet of their copyrighted material.

Those copyright necrons suspended my Twitter account just for cosplaying as a character they own!
by HippyHollowSaiyan January 8, 2021
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