3 definitions by Hilaros Man

When something is so funny, it ceases to be just hilarious and becomes legendary.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm transforming"
"Man... that's hilarious"
"No, you dirty swamp nigger, it's hilaros"
by Hilaros Man June 27, 2009
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A residence characterized by its occupants, usually several very attractive females who like to party and drink large amounts of alcohol, often in the form of flavoured vodka.
"Dude, you know that brick house right on the corner of Catherine Street?"
"What about it?"
"It's an 83b Pelham son! The chicks I saw there were rocking out some vanilla vodka and partying with mad Quincy!"
"I'll get my coat"
by Hilaros Man December 14, 2010
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When something is so funny, the hilaros or "funny" level begins to rise to astronomical heights and the world is forever changed. This often happens when one phrase is used so often it stops being funny, isn't used for several days, then is re-introduced at the proper time.
"Remember when Jansson kept getting so drunk he would get belligerent and then get punched in the face?"
"Man, that was hilaros"
"Yeah... and we called him Black Eye Jansson?
"Hilarocity factor of 12 right now"
by Hilaros Man December 22, 2009
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