8 definitions by Helmut Meinschaftgefülenberger

Moscow Mitch (noun)
A bizarre animal-human hybrid between a snapping turtle and a compromised Kentucky Republican senator, Mitch McConnell (R-Moskva) who enabled the Russia’s theft of the 2016 election for <i>Dirty Donny Drumpf</i>, accepted millions of dollars from a Russian Billionaires, and blocked FBI efforts to protect 2020 US elections from further election hacking.

In his long, sordid career, McConnell has not only violated his oath of office by refusing to hold confirmation hearings for Judge Merrick Garland, he also has enriched himself and his Chinese shipping magnate wife, Elaine Chao, who somehow was installed as <i>Dirty Donny Drumpf</i>’s Sec of Transportation, and has blocked laws that would make it difficult for the Russian FSB to corrupt the 2020 elections and install the illegitimate Preznit sic a second time.

See also: <i>Cocaine Mitch</i> for information about his wife’s container ships and cocaine busts.
I hope Jill Stein gets to sit at Moscow Mitch’s table when he goes to Russia to pick up his award from Vladimir Putin.
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