1 definition by Health nut 🥜

Body Armor is a healthy drink made for high performance: it’s uses ranging from extreme athletes to many people with daily jobs. It far surpasses Gatorade and Powerade as a healthy replenishment of necessary vitamins, sugars, and nutrients. It includes ingredients such as coconut water, electrolytes, and at least for different B-Vitamins.

Careful though, if you drink to much when you don’t need replenishment, it’s the same as Gatorade, and will give throat ache and heartburn (acid reflux)
Liam: Man, I feel like I’ll die after running that mile in 100 degrees Fahrenheit

Olivia: Here, I brought us each a Body Armor drink, that’ll fix you in five minutes!
by Health nut 🥜 July 9, 2020
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