2 definitions by Hauost Quatidata

To, with good intentions, do or say something socially awkward or inappropriate for the situation that ends up pissing everyone off or causes an issue

To open food packages by tearing into them impatiently

To play a really good solo that leaves people wondering what just happened
The whole band got glicked the other day after rehearsal. We were so pissed.

He glicked the macaroni package after struggling to open it the right way for 47 minutes.

We said we weren’t going to drink until after the show. That didn’t mean it was ok for him to drink like a fish before the show. He should have cleared it with me. Totally glicked us.

Glick me with that solo. Make it tasty.
by Hauost Quatidata September 22, 2023
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This weird jam band dude who plays the Rark n’ Roll music.
“Bro did you hear Rark’s keyboard got damaged?”

“That’s very disappointing to hear. He really rocks the rark n’ roll music like a wild animal.”
by Hauost Quatidata October 7, 2020
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