1 definition by HardworkerfromNB

New Bedford, MA is an average sized city in southeastern Massachusetts

Highway Route 18 takes you from North to south ends.

Known for its history in whaling and and underground railroad also 18th century imigrants from Portugal, cape verde and French Canada.

The late 1980's is when the city was overcome and multiplied with Quatemalans, hispanics, etc.. etc.. where their claim to success is gangs and selling drugs, and everyone wants to live on welfare and do drugs.
now there isnt much more than abandoned buildings with no one that wants to work. and the city is struggling to upkeep its undergrowth of filth.

There are 3 high schools:
Voc- Tech - go there to learn how to work in the real world

new bedford high- where some get an education and gangs try to be cool but get demoted to

west side high school- with juvenile law breakers

Dont listen to the mumbo jumbo about gangs and whos reppin where. its all just to indimidate the hard working individuals. while the welfare crowd stays at home and deals drugs out of there over-filled 1 bedroom apartments.
New Bedford, MA
by HardworkerfromNB April 20, 2011
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