1 definition by Hammahdolo_808

Seven horny teenagers who live in Hawaii and people think they're intimidating when really they're just seven losers who cry over cute boys.

The seven Sasquatch homies are: Jessica, Donnamel, Kira, Ki'i, Karly, Sara, and Kiley.
They are seven best friends who love each other so much. It's probably the best friendship you'll ever encounter.

Started on January 21, 2013 with just six members but on June 16, 2013 Ki'i joined and they became the best of friends what anyone could ever have!
Oh, and on November 21, 2013 Calum Thomas Hood dm'd Donnamel "what are Sasquatch homies" when she asked him to join.
Jessica is still trying to convince Luke Hemmings to join the Sasquatch homies as well.
by Hammahdolo_808 November 22, 2013
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