1 definition by HBA_Mouse

Hallmark is a place where thick pieces of paper with corny sayings are sold for ridiculous prices. Some are too mushy to be serious, whereas others honestly might provide amusement.

Also, a brand invented by some ugly old man, last name Hall, to help get himself in better with the women by sending her candy and goofy little holiday stuff.

Known for inventing such holidays as Valentine's Day, Administrative Professionals Day, Sweetest Day, Friendship Day, Clergy Day, and many many more.
1) Let's go to Hallmark and buy some over-priced candy.

2)That guy named Hall had no idea what kind of monster he was starting when he made the Hallmark store.

3)Let's change Valentine's Day to "Spend Too Much At Hallmark Day". I mean, they made it, right?
by HBA_Mouse March 4, 2009
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