1 definition by H4RDC0RE

A Massively-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game.

An online game that is very similar to windows 95 with ICQ and a fantasy background.

Double-click everywhere to kill an endless stream of monsters in a fantasy world and gain new powers. Do this for hours on end while chatting with someone named "Drizzt23" or "MikethePike" about where in Korea or France or Alabama you live and what was on TV last night.

Contrary to the name, these games do not feature role-playing, so don't worry. Perfect for people who are too slow for Counter-Strike, and with no friends or imagination for role-playing.
A: "Caleb played 34 hours of Lineage 2 this weekend!"
B: "Wow, how many levels did he gain?"
A: "That was amazing, he gained 4 levels!! Unfortunately, he got a cramp in his mouse-finger and had to quit."
B: "Awesome, he's a true role-player!"
by H4RDC0RE April 23, 2004
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