2 definitions by H2ous

another variation on "dyslexic" that makes an example of mixed up words and syllables. but more offensive.
"If I've told you once I've told you a thousand times...
you dont spell Gritish Bass like that. You slysdexic cnut"
by H2ous May 27, 2009
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When a "posh wank" is insufficient.
involves the use of a condom AND lubricant.

Maybe even a pre shower, shave and shite etc...
you get the idea.
T: "hey Dave, did u pull your head off last night with that porn we traded....?"

D: "hell ye, but I had to go platinum. a poshy just wouldn't do!"

T: "A platinum wank eh? I like ur style! bit expensive tho"
by H2ous June 15, 2009
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