3 definitions by Gypsygrl

The state of befuddlement brought on by multiple and ever changing snow forecasts for a particular period of time leading to widespread panic and over purchasing of cheese.
Fresh from the weather desk: "There will be three feet of snow...no, wait....we meant three inches.....hang on....this just in....it's sunny and 70 degrees.....with a possibility of snow showers.....sorry for the snofusion....good news is we still get paid!"
by Gypsygrl January 27, 2015
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The state of befuddlement brought on by multiple and ever changing snow forecasts for a particular period of time leading to widespread panic and over purchasing of cheese.
Fresh from the weather desk: "There will be three feet of snow...no, wait....we meant three inches.....hang on....this just in....it's sunny and 70 degrees.....with a possibility of snow showers.....sorry for the snofusion....good news is we still get paid!"
by Gypsygrl January 27, 2015
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The waiting period before a snow storm arrives, generally making you question your ability to run errands and make it back before the first snowflakes fall.
I wanted to run to the grocery store for milk and bread but I'm in snoimbo.
by Gypsygrl December 8, 2013
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