2 definitions by Gyp Charlatan

(ee-mah-m) Noun.

1) A woman who has children and therefore has no right being "emo" but does so anyway to either gain attention of young "hip" people or to find some twisted way of re-living her youth while dealing with her normal everyday life.
Emom: Hi, suzy. . .yeah I got Promise Ring tickets for tomorrow night, but I have to find a babysitter unless my son Timmy can get a ride with one of his friends after his soccer game.
by Gyp Charlatan June 14, 2008
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(ee-moe-ger) Noun

1) An unattractive and/or obese person who attempts to wear emo-style clothing.
2) The combination of "emo" and "ogre" portraying a person who thinks he/she is emo but is in actuality an ugly poseur.
Emo Girl: Did you see Xkym (the "x" is silent of course) this morning? God, she looks awful in those tight black pants.

Emo Boy: Yeah, she's a total emogre.

by Gyp Charlatan June 14, 2008
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