2 definitions by Gray Jack

Someone who, despite his fanbase of screaming teenage sluts and such, is a bad singer. His songs are composed of egotistical and stuck-up lyrics, such as "SexyBack". Many people like him because he can dance well, and even that he sings well, even though he does not. The lyrics are completely childish, with the few amount of serious songs that have to do with relationships being extremely shallow, having no depth or meaning whatsoever.
Teenage whore: z0mg, Justin Timberlake is so hot!
Prick: I know, I love him! Being a fan, I wish I could write lyrics like him. I just wish I wasn't illiterate.
Jesus: Hey guys, ever heard of Bob Dylan?
Teenage whore: Tssh, he sucks! Every time I try to analyze his lyrics, their depth combined with the LSD I take makes my brain hurt!
Gandhi: Screw you. Come on, Jesus, Stephen Hawking was right. These guys are too stupid to know what good music is.
by Gray Jack September 13, 2007
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Despite what some people have been led to believe, a feminist is not someone who supports female superiority. Feminists are people who believe that males and females are equals; the word is only derived from a Latin word meaning "woman". Most people are feminists, though they aren't familiar with the term's definition and belief it to mean someone who supports female superiority.
Chuck: I think that woman and men should be treated completely equally, and that neither gender is superior.
Larry: Ah, you're a feminist.
by Gray Jack September 6, 2007
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