2 definitions by Gradd

the shrek-button is something you make when you are bored and have a 3d printer, some led-lights and way to much time on your hands. it looks like a cartoonish red button that would launch a nuke but green instead of red. When pressed it would play allstar by smashmouth and turn all lights connected to it green. I believe it would be incredibly funny if you were at a zoom meeting and you press the button and everyone in your call would see your room turn green and hear allstar play in the background
Brian: Have you seen this new video of a shrek-button being pressed on toktik?
William: Yes i have! I would really want one as a gift and since my birthdys is coming up soooooo.
Brian: Nah fam you cant buy it rn.
by Gradd October 4, 2022
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The five hundred tooth dinosaur is a internet meme where as the dinosaur in question is not only funky looking but is scientific name is nigersaurus
Mike: hey dude have you seen the nigersaurus. it’s the 500 teeth dinosaur

Everybody: *beats mike down on the ground*.
by Gradd November 29, 2022
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