2 definitions by Gojirae

"The Belt" is something you get after a sexual act is committed it is often decided amongst friends first, be it a threesome, analsex or a donkeypunch
Guy1: So, The Belt, I'm going for it.

Guy2: YOU ARE!?

Guy1: Yeah, I'm totally going to have a threesome!
by Gojirae December 29, 2010
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A lady, often older, who is known for "helping" struggling men/boys loose their virginty

the female version of a virginkiller

made famous on the show How I Met Your Mother. Whom the character Barney lost his virginity too.
Guy1: Wow! You haven't lost your virginity!? you're 20 something!
Guy2: Yeah...its been hard you know.
Guy1: Allright, I'll get you hooked up with the Manmaker and she will help you out.

Guy2: Sweet!
by Gojirae July 3, 2009
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