1 definition by GoBag

Verb. Refers to the act of ejaculating and defecating simultaneously due to a stimulation of the male or female genitalia that causes a sudden push on the rectum, causing involuntary deification.

Most likely to occur when one is engaging in sexual intercourse while suffering from an irritable bowel or experiencing diarrhea.

Noun. Used as a noun, Munk refers to the combination of ejaculate and feces that has been produced through the act of Munking.
As a verb:

While having sex with my girlfriend last night, to my dismay I munked all over the bed at climax and now owe her a new comforter.

The first time I performed oral sex on her, she munked on my face and I was never the same.

I learned to never masturbate after taking ex-lax for you run the risk of munking.

As a Noun:

My mother was not happy when she noticed the munk all over my shorts in the laundry.
by GoBag November 10, 2009
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