1 definition by GjaiPhai

Enoum it's a name coming from south-Asia especially Thailand and Laos.

It means a young man, a gentle man. Also means "unique", "dominant", "eternity".

He is a thoughtful guy, who's calm in any serious circonstances.
Not that kind of guy you want to provoke, even thought he is funny and can make you laugh in any circumstances, that said, his humor is sometimes weird and difficult to pin down, cynical, sarcastic, very absurd and crazy jokes or attitude when he's making fun.

He is a good friend and use to be always truly for himself and everyone that he love.

He is always down to earth, sometimes being cold and antipathetic, but don't try to pissing him off, just cool down and always communicate, he's a very understanding guy and forgiving.
Any times, he's clever, and always trying to help who's asking or being in need.

He do like fighting, but educationally, also he has the ability to lead, being curious, right and attentive.

He cherish people but hate them also as he narcissistically love himself and hate himself, that means he have a great faith in Human kind and he have a strong confident walk and personality.
He always act like everything gonna be extraordinary with his affectionate and contagious smile when times is bad.

Very resourceful, he pay attention to what's matter and mostly have a global view, he can make things go in his way, playful, impetuous, charming, he's indepedant and have his self-ruling with wise standards and always fight for his freedom.
"Hey, look Enoum's flirting again, he's gonna be in trouble with his girlfriend."

"Damn, did you see the skin if his hand ?
-Yeah, it's torn off. He must have corrected someone"
by GjaiPhai November 11, 2020
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