2 definitions by Gittler

(n.) Usually refering to one specefic person as their gender, orientation, and species.

(n.) The most commonly used name for a person with the last name of Gittler
"I am a Gittler. My gender is Gittler. My orientation is Gittler. And my species is Gittler. I am just Gittler."

Person A: "Hey, look! It's Gittler"
Person B (Gittler): "Oh, hi!"
by Gittler March 2, 2009
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(v.) To add people you barely know on Facebook just for the sake of having more friends.

(n.) (AddCreeper) One who adds people s/he barely knows on Facebook just for the sake of having more friends.

(adj.) (AddCreepesque) An action similar to that of adding people you barely know on Facebook just for the sake of having more friends.
Person A: "Are you gonna go AddCreep later today?"
Person B: "You bet!"

Person A: "You are SUCH an AddCreeper!"
Person B: "God. I'm sorry. I just like friends."

Person A: "Did you just go up to that person you barely knew and told them that they were hot?"
Person B: "Yeah...why?"
Person C: "Dude. That is so AddCreepesque."
by Gittler September 12, 2009
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