2 definitions by GinWraith

Bidenics: A portmanteau of the words 'Biden' and 'phonics' describing a variant of English popularized by 46th U.S. President Joseph Biden. The term 'Bidenics' is characterized by periodic inclusion of words - or possibly phrases - which may be considered unintelligible to speakers of most American or British English dialects.
Don missed key points from a recent speech, believing the orator was mumbling when in fact she was speaking Bidenics.
by GinWraith February 10, 2023
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A portmanteau of the words 'Biden' and 'phonics' describing a variant of English popularized by 46th U.S. President Joseph Biden. The term 'Bidenics' is characterized by periodic inclusion of words - or possibly phrases - which may be considered unintelligible to speakers of most American or British English dialects.
Don missed key points from a recent speech, believing the orator was mumbling when in fact she was speaking Bidenics.
by GinWraith February 10, 2023
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