1 definition by Ghosted Mozart

A typical "true believer" supporter in Donald Trump. Difficulty grasping basic political mechanisms; mistakes anger for "passion" and opinions for "facts"; conflates economics with employment; experiences acute denial or child-like rage at the mere mention that humanity is negatively affecting the environment; mostly though, confuses their own racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, love of war/guns, and tiny (or impotent) penises with "patriotism."

(Bonus slowflake points for panicked "lock her up" responses to legitimate criticisms of the Trump administration's bone-headed policies or actions.)
Person 1: "Someone should tell Mark that he'll never get laid. Women see right through him, and no matter how much hand-over-fist Extenz he pounds, an asshole's still an asshole."

Person 2: "Poor little slowflake."
by Ghosted Mozart October 13, 2018
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