1 definition by Ggulygulghihglghljglgus

In some languages Jaian means "warrior" or "god". A Jaian has lots of energy, loves being around his friends, athletic, smart, and passionate. When a Jaian is all grown up you can see him as a lawyer, world leader, athlete, the head of a sports team, or you can see him in business. If you have a beautiful girlfriend, I would never trust her around a Jaian. Jaian's attract girls like a magnet! If a Jaian sets a goal he will do everything in his power to achieve it he will eat it like an alligator. If your close to a Jaian or know a Jaian I would hold on to that relationship because they look out for the people who are close to them. If your on a Jaian's bad side all I can say is good luck! Jaian's can be forgiving at times but when there angry it usally lasts a day or two.
Jaian is a boys name
by Ggulygulghihglghljglgus November 25, 2021
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