1 definition by Geralt O’ Riverwood

Someone who has gender dysphoria.

There’s a mental disorder called Body Integrity Dysphoria (BID), where the person suffering from it believes a limb of there’s doesn’t belong to them for whatever reason. So they ask doctors to cut it off for them and no doctor is going to do that because (for example), chopping your arm off due to your feelings is crazy. The same thing applies to being “Transgender”, people just ignore it and for whatever reason it’s become socially acceptable. We diagnose mental illnesses and disorders based on what’s not normal, so someone who wishes to be the opposite sex (using BID as a basis), is not normal so it’s a mental disorder.

That doesn’t mean it’s okay to mock and harass people who are suffering from Gender Dysphoria. The sufferer should be advised to seek help from a therapist and/or psychiatrist. If anyone’s to be mocked it’s those who cheer on a mental illness, that encourages body mutilation.
That Transgender needs a mental evaluation
by Geralt O’ Riverwood January 22, 2023
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