19 definitions by George Stuffalottapuss

noun, rapist.

1. Recently bankrupted multinational financial institution headed by a former US Federal Government securities regulator.

2. A company run to the ground by former New Jersey senator, New Jersey governor, Goldman Sachs CEO, hypocritical but not atypical advocate for government oversight and regulations of financial institutions, and perpetual serial rapist and financial terrorist, Jon Corzine.
Only the largest, most successful, and most socially beneficial financial institutions are members of the Federal Reserve Bank's list of Primary Dealers, like MF Global.
by George Stuffalottapuss December 30, 2011
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MF Global was a member of the Primary Dealers and received billions of dollars in US tax dollars and newly printed money. And they still went bankrupt.
by George Stuffalottapuss December 30, 2011
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After the 2008 financial crisis, the world economy needed saving, but the Federal Reserve gave a bunch of newly printed money to the Primary Dealers instead.
by George Stuffalottapuss May 10, 2012
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phi-nan-shull teh-wō-wist

1. Any person or entity that knowingly and willingly distorts the financial markets and/or the economy at large for their own personal benefit or political benefit at the expense of a large body politic.

Examples include:
The Primary Dealers
The Federal Reserve
Henry Paulson
Ben Bernanke
Henry Paulson
Ben Bernanke
Jon Corzine
Bernie Madoff
Lloyd Blankfein
Kenneth Lay
Timothy Geithner
Bank of America
Brian Moynihan
Many US Senators
Many members of US House of Representatives
George Bush
Barack Obama
Bank of England
European Central Bank
Mario Monti
Lucas Papademos

and many, many more financial terrorists....
by George Stuffalottapuss December 30, 2011
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1. A collected division of parasites claiming to benefit its host, but in reality made up of a collection of Prime Ministers of the land of Ass.

2. Any US Federal Government Agency.
If only the Obama Assministration were capable of accomplishing something without stealing 30% of the income from 310 million people at gunpoint.
by George Stuffalottapuss December 30, 2011
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