1 definition by GenericPseudonym10621

Something that society forces upon people, esp. nowadays. If you do not have a career, people automatically assume you are a lazy good-for-nothing bum. An unnecessary thing to have, and it's a shame that so many people spend all their lives aspiring to have a career. The concept is installed into most western children from birth, as their first twenty-odd years of their life is dedicated to "education", which generally teaches people to become "clever". Being "clever" means you will have a "good" career.

The majority of humans hate their careers, and up dying miserable. But hey, at least they paid off their mortgage.

Also, a pretentious way of saying "job".
"Careers are a twentieth century invention, and I don't want one" - Christopher McCandless:
by GenericPseudonym10621 May 31, 2009
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