1 definition by Gen A-M

Generation milking it for what it’s worth:

Not so much a generation, as a breed displaying almost exponential growth since the Baby Boomers – well represented in 2017 within the white Anglosaxon 20 to 30 year old demographic.

The following are some characteristics typical of the MIFWIW:

• accepting praise and acknowledgment for others work and efforts;

hoarder of (read: “witholds”) critical information for their own benefit;
AWOL specialist when delivery, support and responsibility are required;

• completes and prioritises personal tasks and activities on others’ time;

• owns the badge of entitlement;

• devoid of conscience and remorse;


smarmy – compensates for lack of integrity with double doses of charm
• cheater;

• high level expertise in scam techniques and so on…
A MIFWIW specimen can be identified by several things;
• Cannot shake hands with you as their hands are too busy delving into everyone elses pockets
• Cannot look you in the eye or hear your objections, as own head is tightly positioned up own arse
• On the rare occasion head is extracted, extra strong (usually brand name) sunglasses are worn to protect eyes from the apparent brilliant sunshine they ‘know’ emanates from own arsehole
• Can be observed in a secret moment, rotating on their own axis in the true centre of their own universe
He cheated his way through high school and his degree… and is proud of it, clearly he’s earned his generation MIFWIW high distinction….or… Mr MIFWIW won’t be here on Tuesday because that’s our delivery deadline but he’ll be here to collect the congratulations later in the week.
by Gen A-M March 16, 2017
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