2 definitions by Gavin B

A tyrannical and or fascist person of small stature whom.

1. Commonly assumes a place of authority when a vacuum of power is formed.

2. Is prone to violence when their authority is questioned.

3. May or may not wear a murderous moppet or pupa costume.
Man, I can’t believe that those little ”Midgetlers” expect us to rebuild this whole fricken place. What are the odds we'll get lucky enough they'll pull a double Villechaize on themselves?
by Gavin B July 20, 2009
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A girlfriend or lover who uses great sex to keep a man around who obviously does not want to be there or to keep a man in the home when he is about to leave with friends.
I tried to leave but I'm caught in a dick noose.
That dick noose won't let me leave.
by Gavin B June 10, 2007
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