1 definition by G6a3ug8hg

YOLTLO is an acronym for

"You only live THIS LIFE once."

We know we have this life one time wether we will be reincarnated or not.

Better more accurate alternative to the annoying and incorrect acronym YOLO... if u have had or will have a past life, yolo is false.
Person one: YOLTLO is true. Is there anyone that says we live this particular life more than once?

Person 2: Maybe eternal recurrence? But that would be like YLTLALO... Thats too many letters... YOLTLO is better. How do you use YOLTLO as a hastag?

Person one: I don't know its more nuanced than just living once... if you live again you're going to have to be more careful with your karma. You also might want to consider past life karma etc..

Person 2: Wow that's deep. I will appreciate this life and do good karma. #YOLTLO
by G6a3ug8hg April 17, 2020
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