3 definitions by Funk knuckle

"Sorry to have pissed in your Cheerios, but that chick that just gave you a blowjob has an Adam's apple and a hard-on."
by Funk knuckle August 1, 2014
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This word can be used when something has been seriously fucked up.
in conversation "Andrea, You so bainrowed your last assignment"
by Funk knuckle November 20, 2003
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Also known as gender queer or nonbinary. its a person that doesn't know if they should stand or sit while pissing. One day they feel like a dude, the next day like a broad. It matters not if they have a cock and balls or a pussy. A queermo prefers to be called a "they" regardless if it fits the sentence or not.
Look at the queermo, they doesn't know if they should use the men's room or ladies room today. Don't fuck with they though, Rosie O'Donnell will be talking shit about you on tv if you do.
by Funk knuckle May 14, 2017
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