4 definitions by Fudger

the act of a man laying his testicles in ones eye sockets and laying his dick down the middle of the persons nose to their lips thus resmbling a trojan helmet
"While Mary was sleeping I took out mt dick and laid it on her head to make a trojan helmet."
by Fudger April 25, 2003
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ie a tight cunt.

someone who refuses to splash tha cash.
The fucking pickey never buys a round, he's as tight as a nats snatch.
by Fudger December 15, 2003
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Derived from the ancient greek words "hibolious woblusous", relates to the movement of fat on a fat person when they move.
that fat bitch dancing be bringing on a whole world of hibble wibble. Shit!!!!
by Fudger January 5, 2004
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