1 definition by Fucyouracism

The Indigenous race of Australia who have cared for the land for the past 60,000 plus years and maintained the environment in pristine condition until a bunch of greedy English Aristocrats decided to dump their unwanted humans here. Somehow the Aboriginals have managed to survive military onslaught and massacres as well as deliberate poisoning and even testing of Nuclear weapons on them. The constant rape and enslavement resulted in fair skin Aboriginal people being born but not claimed by the white people and they and the full-bloods were forced onto reservations and missions to be 'bred out' and absorbed into the wider community. Today the Aboriginal race is thriving again and asserting their rights much to the dislike of the colonial overlords and their red-neck descendants.
Aboriginal people are NOT victims, we are SURVIVORS and will outlast all the racist scum who comment below!
by Fucyouracism November 3, 2018
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