1 definition by Fuckingcreepyshit

(Pronounced 'hoh-be-de-GAH-buh') A term used when imitating one of Fred Flintstone's asshole colloquialisms. Alternatively, used by idiots on the 'intarnatz' on their 'blags' for their FIRST 'lul i did it' experience. This is never pronounced/used in real life, because doing so will result in a swift falcon punch to the kidneys by the nearest sympathetic bystander.

Alternatively, in slang form, used by 'hip' teenagers to describe a close acquaintance's 'first experience'. This form can also results in a falcon punch to the kidneys, as bystanders may not know how to differentiate between the two definitions.
1. (Blog)
July 19, 2008

I did it!!!!!111 every1, i did it!!!!111 i fucked a girl finaly!!111 it felt gud and lasted 4 a ful half minuet!!!


"Dude, what's up?"
"Dude, did you hear about George? He had his Hobbedegobba last week."
"Falcon Punch!"
by Fuckingcreepyshit July 29, 2009
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