1 definition by FuckShitNoWhyWhoLetMeDoThis

Its asexuality and pansexuality combined.
You know how people say its all or nothing, its all and nothing
You can romantically love EVERYONE but you don't wanna do the do with them
but there is a whole spectrum of things, go to tumblr there's this one blog that has a-lot of info about being pan-romantic and the parts of it.
Person 1: I have a crush on Alex
Person 2: but their non-binary
Person 1: So?
Person 2: We don't know whats in their pants, what if they have the same thing as you?
Person 1: Oh, im Panromantic *********** so its fine!
Person 2: ohhhhhh ok, SO how long have you liked them????
by FuckShitNoWhyWhoLetMeDoThis January 3, 2019
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