1 definition by Frustrated_Believer

Stupid Wet Evangelical Grin. Facial expression typically seen on religious TV shows under about 15 pounds of makeup (if female) or declaiming how the latest natural disaster is the the fault of the victims because of <insert bizarre hobbyhorse here>.

Terminology noted in use by seminarians for fellow religious believers who A) hold rather bizarre ideas B) make up for poor thought with loud volume of proclaiming said thought on every web forum, classroom, TV show, or lounge the believer afflicts C) respond to any objection with some variation on the theme of "God said it, I believe it, that settles it!" D) Gentle pointing out of scriptures that say something quite different are met with a puzzled look , followed by accusations of devil worship, scripture twisting, believing the lies of the world, etc.

Synonym for 'religious troll', whether online or real-life.
"Got stopped in the street by a stranger. He said, 'Do you know if you will go to Heaven if you died today? I do, because I've been Saved by the Blood of Jeeeeesus!"

I said, 'Good grief, do you have to be such a SWEG? Why would anyone want to go to heaven if it's full of car salesmen?'"
by Frustrated_Believer March 7, 2010
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