2 definitions by Freeport Gal

Gussie Mae is used in the Bahamas to describe a very overweight woman. In the Bahamas this is not always a bad thing "because meat for man, bone for dog" Many Bahamian men prefer big girls. If a girl is just over weight she is "solid" -- a Gussie Mae is way past being chunky.
Boy, my gal sister is one Gussie Mae for true!

Keep eating dat way you be a Gussie Mae soon.
by Freeport Gal November 7, 2017
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Crabby is slang for what the female genitalia is called in the Bahamas. It is often incorporated in jokes and men talk. Not a proper or acceptable talk for the high religious culture elsewhere.
That gal got one big crabby, bey.
by Freeport Gal November 7, 2017
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