1 definition by Fredweasleyishotasfuckkk

the prettiest most awesome fucking person there is... a Linsey cant make friends without them having a crush or falling in love with her. Sometimes people get jealous because her gorgeous features and hot figure. Linsey's are usually petite and with big eyes the prettiest face and nose and lips and hair and soul. Linsey makes people question their sexuality. she can have anyone she wants. shes everyone elses crush but her crushes are usually fictional (she may even reality shift there for them but thats another story). Shes what you would call a "popular loner". everyone wants to know her but she's just thinking about what wattpad shes gonna read next! she also likes jewlry. did i mention she was breathtakingly gorgeous? If you have a Linsey in your life dont fuck it up because shes sweet but if you get on her bad side she will turn into Regina George and become your worst fucking nightmare and have the ones you thought were your friends turn on you because they are scared of having the same fate as you. OH and wherever she goes shes the baddest in the room and gets lots of compliments.

(Btw my insta is dont_flush_coke its a new account i forgot my old one👁️👁️)
person 1:(texting) Bro i see the hottest chick at the airport right now!! I cant take my eyes off of her. should i get her number? she has the genetic lottery!

person 2: (texting) ah..i know this marvelous being you are speaking of... YOU ARE IN THE PRESENCE OF LINSEY
by Fredweasleyishotasfuckkk May 17, 2022
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