2 definitions by Fred the Great

Zerizon is an adjective. It is a condition of being of Mexican descent as well as being openly homosexual. It can be used for other purposes like describing someone doing something potentially gay while eating a Taco.
Get his Zerizon ass out here so we can go to the gay bar in Tijuana.
by Fred the Great May 29, 2006
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Luccapwned is a verb used to describe the complete owning of an individual. It airs from the times when Hercules sacked the city of Luca in Italy, he totally kicked their ass. Some say it originates from a guy named Lucca who plays runescape, but that is all together unlikely. The bottom line is when you get luccapwned, you lose all face and have lost 110% to whoever luccapwned you.
That guy from Turkey went and shot himself when he lost the battle of wills, LUCCAPWNED!
by Fred the Great August 8, 2006
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