2 definitions by Fortnite cacalet

A bloody Roblox PVP that is based off of Mortem Metallum, and Criminality. In this game, you get put in a beginner lobby to learn the game, while getting obliterated by alts of sweats. After you get slightly decent at the game, you get thrown in a standard lobby, and locked out of the beginner lobbies. In the standard lobbies, you have people who grinded their balls off to get the Dragon Slayer, a weapon that can two hit anyone, you can also find tons of teamers, who will gang up on you if you are closer than 10 miles to them, and also light weapon spammers, who click their mouse so fast, that their fingers literally fall off, just to get parried and killed. If you try to parry (block) someone's attack, three things might happen. A: You manage to block them and kill them after they got stunned. B: Somehow, their attack goes through your parry, and they kill you. C: It turns out that they don't hit you, but rather wait until you are done parrying, then they kill you while you are vulnerable.
Player A: Wow! This game is so cool and fun! I love this game!
(later in the game)
Player A: I am finally starting to get pretty good at this game!
(Game puts him in standard lobby, and locks him out of beginner lobbies)
Player A: I hate my life

Combat warriors kinda sucks tbh
by Fortnite cacalet February 11, 2023
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