1 definition by Forgeltz

Laredo is quite boring. There's hardly anything to do besides the mall where the idiot teenagers wander around, being loud, and yelling at each other. Don't get me wrong, not everyone is stupid here, I have some of the smartest friends. And, believe me, they're difficult to find.

As for language, it's Spanglish and a lot of Spanish slang. Hardly anyone here speaks fluent Spanish. Trust me, most people here speak so stupidly it's just ridiculous.
But, hey, at least some people are fluent in English.

As for weather, it's really hot during the summer, temperatures even reach up to 110s. During the winter it's usually 50s and maybe even 30s sometimes. And, the chance of it snowing is rare, every thirty years rare.

It's also growing very fast; I see a new neighborhood being made every now and then.

People here make a birthday party every year for their child, what an excellent way to not spoil them!

And, Laredo is quite peaceful, it's NUEVO Laredo that's fucked up right now.

This place is also ghetto as hell where people listen to stupid music that makes no sense, such as Reggaeton.
Laredo is hot, not so smart, but not so dumb, peaceful, boring, and the Language is very unique. Just make sure you have an a/c.
by Forgeltz December 3, 2010
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