1 definition by Foolish Nipper

The nicest compliment anyone can give a person for their butt.
omg!! you have a huge rear end!!! Whosgottabooty!!I

i'd like to speak to you in privately. you have a red delicious shaped maximus!! Whosgottabooty!!
Are those 3.2 watermelons in your pocket? um.....yes please!!! Whosgottabooty!!!
There's this one guy, across the way, who lives across the street from that taco joint. Do you know him? oh yes. have you seen his rear freaking end? um.....yes. so what. What? are you freaking kidding me right the frick now? um.......what? Are you even going to stop freaking typing? oh that guy!!!!! WHOSGOTTABOOTY!!!!!!!!!
by Foolish Nipper July 3, 2017
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