2 definitions by Flaco7

The closest synonym for it is Ivan Najera. The cheapest man alive. Doesn’t spend on guests, steals chests on fortnite, and is just cheap in anything he does.
Ivan went to the movies and grabbed a popcorn bag from the trash and asked for free refill. What a cheapass!
by Flaco7 March 13, 2018
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A contagious disease that makes you want to lay in bed and stay on your phone watching videos. Another symptom is listening to political podcasts and listening to 60's music on the regular. This disease reduces your energy to do anything active or go outside. Some other symptoms could include a fever and sleeping for most of the day. The only time you get up is when it is time to eat and you head back to bed. Originated from Ivan Najera.
Bro you hear about Ivan? He been sleeping all day and has been on his phone in bed all day. He doesn't want to hang out or do anything. Guess he has the Old-Man-Itis
by Flaco7 March 14, 2018
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