2 definitions by FUJE

The act of charging towards someone, be it on land or in the air. This charge is then followed by a throw. If FUJE is executed on land, the person is thrown upwards. If it is performed in the air, the FUJE forces them downwards. Captain Falcon from Super Smash Brothers' smash B attack is a perfect and prime example of a FUJE. Ganondorf can also perform the FUJE. It is probably the most poerful yet most underrated move in super smash brothers.
"You just got FUJED."

"Why do you always give me the FUJE?!??!"
by FUJE April 7, 2006
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a good for nothing person, a scum bag, a slime rat, an annoying stink. Murglak is an insult from Star Wars, which is based on a revolting creature.
Coorta: "You Murglak!!"
by FUJE April 7, 2006
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