1 definition by Félix Turgeon

Best Engineering School on the West coast and maybe the U.S. Has the second best architecture program in the nation next to Harvard. Where all the smart people that realize that cal is a bunch of bullshit go, because we actually want to do something with our majors other than smoke weed and complain about Bush. Best place to go for most other concentration too over Cal, since cal wont let you in some majors until you are a Junior.( Have fun with GEs for 2 years).

Great Parties, and is located in San Luis Obispo which is 10 minutes from Pismo and Avila beach where the babes run wild.

Cal Poly's moto is learn by doing which is one of the greatest since half your classes will not be 500 people lectures, and yes, you do get involved with acutal things relating to your major! OMG! There is a strong emphasis on being envolved in groups and other clubs.

Cal Poly recently hosted the Polybot competition where freshmen and sophmores were shown how to build and program a simple racing robot that would follow a line around a black track.(Where else can a freshman do something that fun and cool)
You go to Cal Poly? Heard it's awesome there. Cal won't let me do computer engineering for atleast another year. fucken ass wipes.
by Félix Turgeon October 8, 2007
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