1 definition by F*ckingRightsPal:)

Honestly is just some shit hole in the middle of nowhere. Most people here are either sorted as a hick, skid, hockey kid, gamer, player, nerd or classic puck slut. No gender is safe, 90% of girls wheel 3 guys at a time, have 10 notches and have a snap score higher than you can count, and most guys here either 1. Live by the slogan “packing bombs and wheeling moms” or 2. Fuck girls half their age and plan to “live and die in the KI”. If your gonna party here, be ready to have some lg’s steak ur drinks and end up crying for no reason while the 20bombs walk around looking for insecure girls to wheel, fuck and chuck. Never hit a breeze before? Well get ready to have them thrown at ur face. Hope ur ready to get chirped cuz this is the only thing people invy are good for.
Girl : hey, what’s the nearest shit hole I can go to to fuck some innocent nice guy?

Answer : invermere, it’s a good place to fuck people up
by F*ckingRightsPal:) December 5, 2018
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