1 definition by Eyetwitchthighswitch


He's the boy that will sit shyly in the corner and nod as everyone speaks. He will grin and laugh to those he barely knows, and shows kindness to those he has just met. He is loyal and kind and has a big heart and believes he can fix everyone and everything if he had the time. He is usually dedicated and a hard worker, but is often single because of his extra curriculars. Usually surrounded by one-three friends who truly understand him, and one of them more than likely wishing to date him but he is too blind to see it. He is usually a family guy, and one day wishes to have a family of his own. He loves fields of study such as marine biology or anything to do with animals, and if you are close he will tell you passionately all the facts he knows. He has an amazing smile that can light up the room, and he often gets hell for hanging out with someone from his peers because he gravitates more towards the people of questionable choices. He has an understanding and supportive state of mind, and often is a big comfort to his friends. He has trouble with opening up to other people, and often appears upset even if he is just tired. Taetes are all around nice guys and I highly recommend sticking with them.
Her: omg he's sooooo cool.

Her 2: he's gotta be a taete with being so nice and shy!!!!
by Eyetwitchthighswitch August 11, 2017
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