2 definitions by ExoticBotters

A place for 9 year old virgin Russians to scream their lungs out at their monitor while flexing their 3 dollar knife they got off wish.
CSGO COMPE is full of russians
by ExoticBotters February 9, 2021
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Rocket league ranked basically i the most toxic gamemode ever. full of 10 year olds virgin smurfers. And if you are in plat, well good luck.
P1:What a save!
P2 (the smurf): Okay.
P2 wins by 7 goals
P1: Fuck u smurf go kys
P1 gets banned for 3 days for swearing
P2 dosen't get banned and continues smurfing
This is Rocket league Ranked.
by ExoticBotters November 2, 2020
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