1 definition by EveryoneNeedsToCalmTheHeckDown

A stupid saying that's overused. People 90 per cent are dumb teenagers, 10 per cent are little ass kids trying to be cool use it for EVERYTHING and also as their facebook name thinking that shit's cute: 'I just opened a cabinet, SWAG.' 'I just fell down, lol, SWAG.' 'SWAGNIFICENT' '(your name) idontgiveafuq gotsswagg' 'lives in swagtown' 'works at swagville' 'That show was so SWAG.' 'I just finished brushing my teeth, SWAG.' 'Hey guys, just woke up, SWAG.' 'Lol, I got kicked out of class, SWAG.' 'I cursed the teacher out, SWAG.' 'Tumbling on tumblr in class, SWAG.' '(your name) the swag god' 'texting in class, SWAG' ... 'SWAG.' You don't have no motherfucking swag.
You: 'I got swag.'
Me: 'That's because you're a fucking retard trying to be like the rest of the try hards thinking their dumb ass have swag.'
by EveryoneNeedsToCalmTheHeckDown December 3, 2011
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