1 definition by EstebanBonapart

Used in gloating over one's victory to one's rival(s), as in this slang term: "You don't want any of this," or simply "You don't want none" for a grammatical ~twist~.

Derivative of the simple (Mandarin specifically) phrase "Bu yao," which directly translates to "don't want."

Synonymical slang phrases may include: "In your face," "Suck it," or you could even try "Boom, that just happened."

"Take that biotch," "what else you gotz," and "eat uh d" are also in the same vein.

Sometimes pronounced boolyah depending on vernacular interpretation, and often spelled booya.

Note: If actually spoken in Mandarin, and understood without slang, it would mean that you personally didn't want any of what's currently being offered. Ex: "Yao bu yao __blank__?" -> "Do you want or not want __blank__?" Answer: "Bu yao" -> "Don't want."
Example: You dig up a copy of Golden Eye and play it with your old high school nerds, erm... friends. After they've been guarding the armor all game long trying to be cheesy, you somehow prevail at the last moment with the game winning kill, and scream "BOOYAH!" Then alternate finger-pointing between their faces and the screen, just so they know you know they know you know you're purposefully and tactically being a douche.
by EstebanBonapart November 28, 2011
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